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Pandemic Fatigue

Pandemic Fatigue

Oct 28th 2020

I’m sick of the pandemic, you’re sick of it, we’re all sick of it! It’s hard not to feel burned out—we have had to maintain a state of vigilance and abide by strict restrictions for nearly a year si … read more
Surviving Cancer

Surviving Cancer

Oct 15th 2020

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and the most common kind of cancer in the United States is breast cancer, followed by prostatic cancer, then colorectal. We are aware that screening is impor … read more
Pooch Patios & Natural Care for Pets

Pooch Patios & Natural Care for Pets

Sep 22nd 2020

Being homebound during COVID has created an increase in pet adoption and fostering around the country, giving loving homes to a lot of happy pooches. Do you have an old dog, a new dog, or hoping to … read more