Feng Shui is an ancient art of arranging your space to bring in the energetic qualities of nature and the world around you to enhance your life. Our Feng Shui Distance Learning Course is composed of five distinct courses to enrich your life in the five areas below...
-Health and Longevity
-Love and Happiness
-Peace and Wisdom
-Abundance and Prosperity
-Career and Success
Each workshop is a combination of content and practice. Practices include a variety of hands on exercises, as well as group conversations and individual attention-training, listening and meditations.
Each Workshop Package Includes:
- 6.5 hours of video from a live workshop that provides exercises and take-away tools that teach the underlying Five Healths philosophy and practices to optimize your Feng Shui practice. You can hear participant questions, answers, and additional explanations to further your learning.
- Slideshow presentation to follow along with the video and take notes.
- Feng Shui Workbook to use as a reference guide and to draw floor plans.
- CA 7 Distance Learning Credit Hours and NCCAOM Provider Number 169556, NCCAOM approved course for 6.50 credits.
- Pre-requisite to becoming an Infinichi certified Feng Shui Consultant.